Warzone 2’s latest glitch is accidentally making players invisible
The Call of Duty battle royale has another technical bug to get irked about
➡️ The Shortcut Skinny: Warzone 2.0 bugs
🫥 A new glitch is making some Warzone 2.0 players totally invisible
🎥 Fans of the battle royale have shared clips of unseen enemies on social media
🤔 It’s unclear whether it’s a bug or a deliberate exploit
⌛ Developers Raven Software and Infinity Ward are yet to address it
If you hop into Warzone 2.0 right now you might feel like you’ve stumbled into an HG Wells novel, as invisible players are reportedly wreaking havoc.
While the Call of Duty battle royale’s loot system has already caused problems, players are now complaining across social media that random online opponents are unfairly getting the better of them. The posts show an invisibility bug is giving players grief, as imperceptible bullets sporadically gun them down.
It’s a fairly standard bug, albeit a major one. One player can’t be seen by the others, which gives them a crucial advantage in the competitive multiplayer shooter. Players have only been able to identify the glitch using the game’s kill-cam, after watching themselves be killed by a player that hadn’t appeared on their screen moments before.
It’s currently unclear how widespread the glitch is. The Warzone community is also unsure whether the exploit is being deliberately used by unscrupulous players or just an unfortunate bug occurring randomly.
For now, there’s not much you can do to combat the invisibility bug. If you encounter it in the wild, pray the unseen enemy takes pity on you, or that you also appear invisible to them. Of course, by the very nature of the glitch, you won’t know you’ve run into it until it’s too late.
Developer Raven Software hasn’t yet made a note of the bug on the Warzone 2.0 public Trello board, where it records the major glitches it’s aware of and working toward resolving. That could mean the invisibility bug isn’t very common, or the developer is yet to clock it.
Either way, at least players can look forward to an overhauled Warzone battle pass that allows for more player freedom, making the grind of progression just a little more rewarding. Add to that the return of an iconic Call of Duty map and the sheer commercial popularity of Modern Warfare 2, it’s no surprise Warzone 2.0 has been a major hit despite its technical stumblings.
If EA had thought about making the bug-ridden Battlefield 2042 free to play months before bringing it to Xbox Game pass, fans might have been more sparing to that major multiplayer FPS.